For the past decade, Ben has been part of a specialized economic and forensic research team dedicated to the analysis of commodity, financial, and crypto markets. He uses large-scale data analytics to advise clients involved in regulatory investigations and criminal and civil litigation. Ben has extensive experience collecting and analyzing public and non-public data in cases involving alleged market manipulation, such as front running, spoofing, layering, and cornering the market. He has re-created and examined various complex trading strategies and their interactions with the market.

Ben has extensive experience working with testifying experts in state and federal court as well as regulatory investigations. He has guided clients through all phases of the investigation, litigation, and settlement process in bet the company situations.

Key Engagements:

  • Expert for new management of FTX Trading Ltd. in bankruptcy regarding cryptocurrency trading data analytics, forensics, and asset tracing.
  • Expert for a large financial institution in a DOJ investigation related to alleged spoofing in precious metals markets. Cleaned and analyzed nearly a decade of trading records and developed and executed numerous screens for various types of spoofing activity.
  • Conducted risk and position analysis and review of trading strategies in options and futures markets for multiple National Futures Association arbitrations.
  • Data analysis expert supporting expert testimony in various jurisdictions including county, state, and federal court and MDLs.